KLARISMS 3.21.21

I momentarily stopped


into tiny corridors

of inner space

to let the sun find me,

a fleeting moment

before the sky turned muted

but most exquisite

in the golden hour.

Its glow

so dreamy,

like entering a children’s tale,

I felt soft petals

fall on my weariness.

These days,

I get caught up

in my thoughts,

in the comfort

of the shadows,

I forget to feel

through my senses.

The light moved me,

bathing crevices

of my consciousness,

as I meditated

on not so subtle questions

of these strange times.

Basking in the rays,

from an imaginary window

of the cathedral that holds

both my awe

and restlessness

in the same space,


there has to be more for us,

than being frightened fragments,

of this fractured world.

©️Clarisse Pastor-Medina

@klarisms // 03.21.21


*Photo is a selfie I took yesterday while in the car with the H driving to my sister’s house. I am sharing this because the sun was extravagant and the timing was fantastic it inspired me to write a poem. Also because I have been practicing the fresh korean style nude, peaches and pinks make up that espouses the ideals of “less is more” and I’m happy with how it makes me feel softer inside and out. Most importantly, because one of my beloved aunts (hello Mamanette!) in our phone conversation last week asked me why I don’t linger nor post a lot on social media or any other social apps anymore and that the most she’s been seeing are photos of my dogs. Hallmark of an empath’s social media a.k.a. bad news fatigue at its finest. But here I am. And the gorgeous, glorious sun that must have invented hope.

#poem #poetry #poet #poetartist #poeticmusings

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Explorer of Creative Capacities,
Seeker of Everyday​ Miracles​,
Storyteller, Curator of Memories.

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